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Message to Chinese American Doctors Association of Houston

Chinese American Doctors Association of Houston - Chinese  in Houston TX

Chinese American Doctors Association of Houston

(713) 909-4891
(713) 909-4891


Education Charity Medical Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Chinese American Doctors Association of Houston

The Chinese American Doctors Association of Houston (CADAH) is a non-profit organization formed in 1993 to unite Chinese American doctors in promoting their social and professional image.

We will make efforts to promote and strengthen the mutual understanding and collaboration among other Asian American doctor organizations for the common goal of safeguarding the rights and welfare of all Asian American doctors. Membership is open to any United States citizen or permanent resident who is a licensed physician or dentist in good standing in at least one state of the United States.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 42147 Houston TX 77242

pin (713) 909-4891


Message Chinese American Doctors Association of Houston
(713) 909-4891