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Message to The W.O.W. Project

The W.O.W. Project - Chinese  in New York NY

The W.O.W. Project

(212) 962-3577
(212) 962-3577


Cultural Non Profit
Practice Areas

About The W.O.W. Project

The W.O.W. Project’s mission is to sustain ownership over Chinatown’s future by growing, protecting and preserving Chinatown’s creative culture through arts, culture and activism.

The W.O.W. Project is a women, non-binary, queer, trans led, community-based initiative that works to sustain ownership over Chinatown Manhattan’s future by growing, protecting and preserving Chinatown’s creative culture through arts, culture and activism. Our core mission is to create space for conversations that cross generational gaps to seed intergenerational understanding. The W.O.W. Project envisions the future of Chinatown that centers young women and nonbinary youth in building intergenerational bridges of understanding, collective empowerment, and solidarity across Asian American communities and beyond. Our projects include artist residencies, youth programs and internships, public artworks and events, and mutual aid.


Primary Office Location

pin 26 Mott Street New York NY 10013

pin (212) 962-3577

Social Media

Facebook page for The W.O.W. Project - Chinese  in New York Instagram page for The W.O.W. Project - Chinese  in New York Instagram page for The W.O.W. Project - Chinese  in New York
Message The W.O.W. Project
(212) 962-3577